Education Committee

Committee Chairs:
Philip Taylor, Phone: (303) 565-4882
Mere Hall, Phone: (470) 398-6553
Contact us at:    

To support the professional development of Colorado structural engineers and their industry partners through technical seminars, project presentations, construction site & plant tours, PE/SE test preparation and networking opportunities.

Committee Activities:

  • Host the annual SEAC Fall Seminar, an educational event covering relevant structural engineering design, construction, and code-related topics.
  • Organize project presentations and hard-hat tours led by local engineers to share industry innovations, challenges faced and lessons learned on prominent Colorado engineering projects.
  • Host the PE & SE Exam Study Group Kick-Off, which provides tips and resources to improve examinees’ chances of passing. Past participants have formed study groups and teamed up to earn group discounts on exam courses.
  • Organize the PE & SE Bridge Review Session.

If you are interested in joining our committee and want to be added to the mailing list, contact us!

Committee Updates